Thursday 25 April 2024

Small's Ghouls Special - As Green as a Lyme (Ghost Walk, Lyme Regis)

Welcome to Small’s Ghouls, a little corner of SJP that I have been given to share my own thoughts, experiences and ghostly goings on.

Logo Credit: Mama J/Mrs J

When Papa J told me that he had some time off in the school holidays I immediately said I wanted to go to Lyme Regis because this is where one of my heroes Mary Anning was from. I wanted to explore the town and hopefully follow in her footsteps and uncover a monster on the beach.

I also knew that SJP would do something spooky whilst we were away.

Imagine my surprise when Papa J managed to convince Mama J to finally let me join the team. I might be Small but as a Tweenager I was ready to step up to any challenge SJP would give me (and what Mama J would say I could do).

Hoping for my first investigation I was told we would be suiting up and going on a Ghost Walk.

I was very excited and started thinking about what equipment we could take with us. Apparently the whole kit bag was not the answer but I was allowed one thing. I decided to take a K2. I chose this piece of equipment as it is my absolute favourite piece of equipment alongside the plasma ball , pendulum and dowsing rods.        

Credit: SJP

It had been raining as Papa J drove us into Lyme and as he parked up he said we would wait for the rain to stop. The rain had already stopped but he had parked under tree which was dripping onto the windscreen.

My rain coat had been decided to not be big enough for the weather so donning Mama J’s with the sleeves rolled up we set to walk down the hill into the town.

We tried to find a place for a stop for a coffee but everywhere was closed. Our last resort was to go to the pub next door to the museum that we had gone into earlier that day. During our wait  for our coffees we noticed a door had opened by itself. After further inspection, the door was found locked. One of the waitresses were talking to a family behind us about that the pub we were in was haunted.  When we had grabbed our de-caffeinated drinks we huddled under the entrance of the museum to keep warm while we waited for our walk guide.


Credit: SJP

A couple of minutes later, the little square in front of the museum was filled with people curious to know the spooky secrets of the past. I was surprised at the amount of children that were here to walk with us.  I felt cold and wet but inside I was all warm and fuzzy. I was so excited that I was shivering ( actually I think that was the cold but no matter).

While we were traversing Lyme Regis, our K2 meter was abuzz with activity.  Both me and my old man where wondering if there was power cables under the cobbled streets or a spectre was trying to grab our attention.  If there was a paranormal being in our midst then they really loved playing with our K2 Meter as it went from green to red to orange to yellow to dark.

Our walk guide was a very friendly man with an umbrella with a lot of stories to share . He was happy to answer any questions that we asked. One of my favourite places we went was the  garden with the memorial poppies. It was very calming.

Credit: SJP

My favourite story we heard was the one about Father Joseph because we got a lot of activity from the K2 Meter. We got it to flashing red but the story finished with the best ending. A woman was washing her clothes when they came out martyr red. They suspected that Father Joe’s body was in the stream at the time and was bleeding (a lot). It was a story that I would never forget.

I also enjoyed the story of the most haunted room in Lyme Regis. They found an old dishevelled head in an iron box which belonged to the body found by a man on a walk in the civil war. Sam ( the man who discovered the headless body) was on a leisurely wander when he suddenly tripped over on something that he would see in every nightmare from that day on . A corpse was the reason for his unexpected trip over. After that fateful night, Sam went to the local vicar to explain what happened. The vicar asked to see the dead man’s body and discovered he couldn’t identify the poor soul in front of him because his head had been removed. The vicar gave the corpse a proper burial and for a couple of years the debacle was almost forgotten. Until  a few years later when the head was found in the attic of the most haunted room in all of Lyme Regis. The owner of the house wanted to know the cost to fix the thatch roof. The men went to the attic and found a large iron case. They thought it was treasure and when no one was looking they took it to the garden with a hammer and broke the lock. Instead of treasure they found an old dishevelled head. They took it to the vicar and he buried it with the body found by Sam.

Credit: SJP

The nicest story I heard that night was the one when a girl got hit by a horse drawn  carriage selling lucky lavender. It is said that when someone is about to die she’ll come and comfort them.

The funniest story was the one where the grandfather asked his son for a paper and pen. After he died the son looked at the paper which read “Son you are sat on my oxygen tank.”



Well that was my long and exciting night at Lyme Regis. I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned to read more of Small’s Ghouls!


1 comment:

  1. So interesting! It’s lovely to hear your point of view


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