From a crossroad you must take one path to move forward.
The choice as I saw it was either to be like Batman – dressed in black, broody and solitary or as Nick Fury did – assemble a team of the mightiest heroes.
I looked at other famous investigators,
Estep – works with a team
Bagans – works with team
Brad and Barry Klinge – born as a team
Most Haunted – are a team
The Warrens
– married as a team
Scooby Doo – had a team and the Mystery Machine
Having checked my email and not finding any with ‘Lonely
paranormal investigators are looking for you in your area” in the subject line,
I thought I better start with finding a group who already had the equipment,
were open for business and had somewhere haunted to look at. The obviously
solution would be a ghost hunt, and after working out what I wanted from this
experience I set about trawling page after page of exciting offer.
There are many companies that organise events at famously
haunted locations for the public to assist them on an investigation for a
price. I will discuss the problem of monetisation of the paranormal in a
future post. I wanted somewhere local, someone trustworthy and with a
proven track record of investigation over theatrics.
Like Mary Poppins answering the Banks’ children’s wish I found 4 letters – P.I.G.S - which now stands for Paranormal Information Gathering Service but when they were founded in 2006, after 3 ex-police officers discovered they had a shared interest in the paranormal, it meant Paranormal Investigation Group Sussex. A group started by coppers who know how to investigate the normal (and the sense of humour to call themselves the PIGS) ticked the box to find out more. As I scoured their site I saw how they conducted their experiments, that they looked for rationale answers before calling ‘ghost’ and named their teams using the NATO phonetic alphabet.
The offer of a night in a local haunted fort castle
was what I went for, I paid my money and now all I needed to do was wait…
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